Saline Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrades

Northeast Public Sewer District

Horner & Shifrin completed a wastewater treatment plant re-rating study.


Horner & Shifrin is providing a plant capacity re-rating study, antidegradation review and design, bidding, and construction phase services for upgrades to Saline Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility. The Saline Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility upgrades will consist of the following:

  • New aerobic digester system based on Ovivo Two Stage SilC-TAD ceramic membrane thickening system
  • New sludge processing building
  • Decant pump station
  • New secondary clarifier
  • Oxidation ditch control improvements
  • Additions and modifications to RAS/WAS pumping system.

The ceramic membrane thickening unit installed in new digester is a new process and will be the second installed in Missouri.

The plant re-rating study will increase plant capacity from 4.0 mgd to 5.25 mgd to avoid a future secondary treatment process expansion.  Biowin process model was calibrated from an extensive plant monitoring data base.  Model scenarios were developed for current and future flow and loads, BNR performance, and sludge production.  The existing plant is an oxidation ditch biological nutrient removal plant consisting of fine screens, multi-ring Envirex Orbal oxidation ditch secondary process, final clarifiers, UV disinfection, gravity re-aeration, RAS/WAS pumping, aerobic digestion, and biosolids storage.

An anti-degradation study was also be completed to permit the plant at the 5.25 mgd design capacity.


Project Scope



Site Size

5.25 mgd


Fenton , Missouri

Year Completed


Innovation. Agility.
Reliability. Horner & Shifrin.